To Smite!
'To smite down' is a terrifying idea.
'To destroy utterly' in ancient terms
Not just the Body with stone, iron and fire
But Desire -Intent - Ability – PRIDE
Of the person - the family - the tribe - the society.
The particular form of civilization!
The basic impulse of 'he who smites':
Deliberate dissolution
Of the mode of other people!
The resolution is captivity of body and mind
With the societal models of the victor
Exercised in many, diverse ways.
The ultimate goal:
'To enslave the souls of the 'smited!'
We, as poets, often take grim ideas
And romanticize them,
Quite smitten with our own, clever thoughts
And perhaps, our perceived superiority.
The romantic idea trivialises 'to smite'.
'Smitten by a kitten!'
'Smitten with first love!'
'Smitten with disease!'
But still, really, a form of 'conquer' and 'control'.
The shifting question is 'Of what?'
Animals are complex, especially humans.
Emotions are not mathematics.
And no one is holding a gun to your head.
'Is this 'poem' going anywhere?'
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 22nd Aug 2019 11:39
Are you cross?