Writ in water
There's an empty Bench today
She's gone away
Ghosts are everywhere
The pulse of her heart stopped
Wraiths chatter, mix, meld
In the invisible air
The odd number is one
Moment she lingers in the chair
Talking to a lady who is no longer there
Odd that even two is only ever 1 + 1
These odd and odd associations
Will carry on until the wood
Rots and there are no trees and no ice
And no air and nobody here, there, anywhere
Only the hallowed spirits of times gone by
Only the solid citizens and birds that fly
To a world that's passed.
People who thought they would outlast plastic
But proved to be eminently biodegradable themselves
The empty chair, she, who is no longer there,
Melded like the sitter into the damp, brown clay
Around which silent ghosts coagulate and, occasionally, pray.
<Deleted User> (22444)
Sat 24th Aug 2019 22:55
Poignant and thought provoking. We are all but atoms, but then there is that something intangible too.