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Letting off steam

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A Local Earthquake Today Inspired Me...


Fracking caused the earthquake

Lacking caused their heartbreak

The Magnitude of their


Hit the Richter scale

Yet molten heat's


Showed more

To them

They still made

The earth move



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Don Matthews

Tue 27th Aug 2019 03:54

Ruth - Thalia my Muse was just playing a joke on me. She hid the bike. I've had strong words to her and she's promised not to do it again......jolly women.

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Ruth O'Reilly

Tue 27th Aug 2019 01:33

Don you know Thalia will never let you down!

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Ruth O'Reilly

Tue 27th Aug 2019 01:32

Adriana thanks so much for reading & letting me know the lines you liked ?

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Don Matthews

Mon 26th Aug 2019 23:02

I'm waiting for a tsunami for inspiration. My muse has gone off on a bike......

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