WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J)
WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J)
WOL's KK is now open for those wishing to compose in peace and quiet without their little ones jumping all over the keyboard. Fees on application.
Tchr.....good morning kiddies
Class:...good morning Miss
Tchr:....today is Johnny's day
and we are looking at the letter J,
the 10th letter of our alphabet
Johnny:....I wanna be the first letter
I wanna
I wanna
please can I ?
Mahal: Can I be the first letter miss?
Tchr:........your turn another day Mahal. Johnny today, Kevin you're tomorrow.
Tchr:.......now kiddies, I have a giant letter J here
Tchr:.......now what word starts with the letter J ?
Tchr:........no Johnny, that's giraffe
Johnny:......er, jug ?
Tchr:.......yes! well done Johnny
Class:.......yay! High-fives
Tchr:.......now here's a tricky one. You need to put your thinking caps on.
What is a word ending in J ?
Class:..... think think mumble mumble
Mahal:.....taj miss ?
Tchr:........yes! well done Mahal
Tchr:........to consolidate (class: ???) our letter J let's all sing the J song. Music man...
Class...:.. J we love you yay yay yay
Many words we learn today
Taj we like but don't know why
Jug makes sense we now sing bye
Tchr..........class dismissed
Laura:.......can I be number one? please?
Zebediah:..can I miss?
Tchr:.........I'm afraid you're at the end of the queue Zeb
The letter “J” was not invented until the 1500’s, so there was no official Jesus, John, Jacob, Jonah, Joseph, Jude, etc… in the bible. So what's going on?
Don Matthews August 2019
Don Matthews
Tue 3rd Sep 2019 05:11
Miss? Mr Brock says lizards leap. I've never seen one?
Gertie: Miss? Mr Brock loves gravy. I think it's great too Mr Brock
(Please don't anyone ask why heaven goes to Betsy and not Betsy to heaven. Betsy's got her hand up. Shit. It's all your fault Mr Brock)