Victorian Gin Palace
On a night like tonight
The words:
Girls, gin, thin
Originally dispersed
Now come together in a terse verse
Originating in London town, circa 1836.
I love a foggy pea-souper,
Down on the Kentish marshes,
Or a swirling mist around Whitrchapel
With the Ripper in tow
Charlie Dickens is scribbling away
In a dark corner
Of a candle lit room
He is thinking that
Gin has a rosy
Gas lit
A glare and glow
That sees it sitting there
Tasting moreishly
Give Charkie'a shades a bottle or two,
Green swirling glasses of gin and water:
sup it by the neck
sup it by the glass
Just you remember:
Nothing lasts
Not even laudanum.
But, aye. That'll do,
Gin is the drink for YOU.
I drink it too.