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Shedding Skin

Been living with trouble in mind
trouble of mind, troubling life
with trouble pulled inside

Spent a decade in the shade
spent a decade dealing in shame
a decade; feeling a certain kind of hate

Crawled out into the light
staggered through that blinding light
still I busied myself 
with needless slivers of selfish night

Do you want to start again
do you want to make that change
well, if you really do
then brother, I’m with you

Let’s stop that here, let’s begin
let’s stop it here, let us begin
with our shedded skin

Peel back that layer of loss
remove the blindfold, still lost
find your home is so close

Do you want to start again
do you really want to change
well, if your aim is true
then brother I’m with you..


growingmoving onmaturingstarting again

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