Wakey, Wakey
Someone, anyone. Not rich or famous
but very, very fortunate.
Awoke somewhere, well, it was a hospital.
And someone, it must have been a doctor
said simply "You're cured!"
The patient, flooded with relief, was unable to speak.
Later a nurse arrived with a bite to eat.
The patient smiled and, feeling unworthy
lowered his gaze. Obviously he would have to
offer a promise in thanks
to whatever god he could conjure.
He drifted off to sleep
and on waking a second time
found he was in his own bed
and must prepare for a days perfunctory work.
What a disappointment it was to find
he was not cured. He failed to recall
he had no disease.
Don Matthews
Sun 15th Sep 2019 10:15
He would have liked to go back to the nurses. Nurses are always nice....