Mr. Sand Man
My balance is very finite
I felt it coming
I dreamed of my past life
I felt the love we held as I gazed into her eyes
I awoke and felt the pain in my heart
tried to ignore it, but it grew
the ugly couldn't mask it forever
it found me in deep stillness, and whispered the forgotten lore
the scabs were ripped off
I couldn't stop the bleeding
it hurt
no matter the pressure, I could not hold it back
I grew weaker
and weaker
I fell when I touched the tender point where the tip of the dagger once pierced
I tried to be strong
it was useless
I had to surrender
an emotional mind fuck
then a woman
as if she understood
gave me hope at my point of pain
with a warm embrace
I felt her love
and now I wonder
have I laid the past to rest
and is it now that I can move on
or will you find me in my sleep again