Is it me, or is it gibberish, the way kids speak today
I just dont seem to understand a single word they say
They've mugged the English language, everything has changed
The future of the spoken word will never be the same
I took my teenage lads aside and to them I did quip
Hey dudes whats the word, what makes you guys all hip
Silently they stared at me, with pity in their eyes
Nobody hip, Dad, anymore, now we all is fly
Da'Bomb is great an Sick is good
And so's you aint no fool
We say Phat, way and spun
To tell em dey is cool
When we's hangin round de hood
The fave thing dat we's do
Is kick it out wiv all our tights
Away from rents like you
It is just another language that Ill never understand
Postal, Dorky, Thumpin Beats, its getting out of hand
Next time I'm walking down the street
And approached by lads in hoods
Who shout to me 'oy mate, youre fat'
I'll say Yo!, Da'Bomb young bloods
John Coopey
Thu 15th Apr 2010 00:12
You is like well top-bombing wiv dis.