Waymo, Skippy and Driverless Car Week
Waymo, Skippy and Driverless Car Week
(Ruth O'Reilley has made a sterling contribution to Driverless Car Week with 'Invisible Driver'. Here is my contribution.
The test run video was taken in my hometown (Adelaide) with Premier and top brass present. Skippy agreed to act as the target, ...err, pedestrian. He was a little nervous but was assured the driverless car was 100% foolproof. Trust our technology they said. He seemed more settled after this.
No longer will a human be present
In Googles autonomous car
To take full control in emergencies
(There's been no emergency so far...)
They reckon their Waymo is foolproof
It's travelled a million roads on state roads
It can now zip along at 140 k per hour
With no worries in autonomous mode
Don't worry, we've sorted out emergencies
Our Waymo hasn't heard of this word
We've programmed it out of it's memory
What emergencies? Don't be absurd
Don Matthews November 2018
Don Matthews
Thu 3rd Oct 2019 00:43
I write to educate, express my feelings and have fun. Aided by Thalia, my Comic and Serious and born-with condition the long-repressed and hidden poet within me is banging on the door to get out.
Thankyou for enjoying its arrival. As am I........