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The way I write…
I brainstorm twenty titles
words or phrases
that sound good to me
that subconsciously
already feel like parts of me
then I refine them
and refine them
pile them up around my feet

And when I’m in the mood to write
I’ll either start writing
(with aim or aimlessly)
until I get stuck
then I grab a title
work it in the lock
release whatever’s hidden
(and it feels good)

Or I choose a title
poking from the ground
reach for my shovel pen
and begin the excavating
find the poem that’s buried beneath
(and it feels good)

Those phrases, those titles
feel like friends I haven’t met yet
that sense you get
when crossing paths with someone
and feel you already know them
or that there’s a story between the two of you
and you just hope that it gets told

The stories we got to tell
are ripe for poems
and the stories that slipped through our hands
can be riper, can be richer sometimes

So, I’ll begin
gathering my titles
and choose one for you…





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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 21st Oct 2019 12:29

Really enjoyed this piece Tom. Finding out about the writing process' of authors and how it differs from one individual to another is one of favourite topics to explore. It was really insightful to read how you work on your writing.

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John Marks

Sat 12th Oct 2019 18:42

...and the stories we forget to dream about scream out to be heard...?

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keith jeffries

Fri 11th Oct 2019 20:30


Your poem is like someone breaking the ice to reveal what we know lies beneath the surface but find something else instead. The way we write must be unique as I believe no two people approach the subject in the same way but we can learn something from each other. I can go for days, even weeks, and feel lethargic and uninspired, then for no reason I hear words spoken which ignite my imagination, or see a sight which holds me or feel a moment of passion to express some pent up emotion. From the moment of revelation I am unstoppable until I have composed what lies in the depths of my mind. I write by hand with a pen, in one swoop and seldom review what I have written.

This poem should arouse some interesting responses.
Thank you for this


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