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Be Yourself

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Deafened by definitions

About who we

Should be

Becoming blinded

By beliefs

We can't see


Consuming assumptions

Of society's strangers

Persistent peer pressure

Tries to

Rearrange us

But to yourself 

You belong

You cannot

Be sold

There is

Nothing wrong

In breaking free

From the



Be yourselfOriginalauthentic self

◄ A Taste Of Romance

Model Words ►


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Don Matthews

Thu 10th Oct 2019 22:59


'Nigel needs last line'
For complete haiku

Seems I need to go back to Haiku College here ?

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Thu 10th Oct 2019 21:59

Wrote my contribution to world mental health day two hours before it closes.What do you think?

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Ruth O'Reilly

Thu 10th Oct 2019 15:48

Thanks Nigel You're kinda getting into Haiku I feel?

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Nigel Astell

Thu 10th Oct 2019 15:42

Keep alive
your true self
don't let
others take it

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Ruth O'Reilly

Thu 10th Oct 2019 15:27

Thanks to Dom & Tom for the likes ?

Thanks for your kind words Keith. I've wrote this because today it's World Mental Health Day, and I feel that a lot of today's mental anguish is caused by not feeling that you can be true to yourself.

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keith jeffries

Thu 10th Oct 2019 14:51


This is a poem which is close to my heart. Your words are wise and provide good advice.

Thank you for this

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