Sharpei Skin
Suki is a Sharpei
It takes lifetimes of breeding to turn a wolf into a Sharpei.
"More skin,' cries the breeder wife.
Beauty is only skin deep...functional too.
I've seen other dogs grab rolls and rolls of Suki's beauty and shake,
while she easily manuevers around to return the favor.
I should be so lucky.
My skin comes down from lines of carpenters and stonemasons.
It's strong against the sun and hardens quickly when moving brick or stone,
but this movie business is another story.
If only the next time a producer grabbed me by the neck and shook saying
"This is crap...rewrite it"
I could spin around and return the favor...
Knowing that nothing inside would be disturbed...
My skin hard...bones solid...
And the heart of this business-my scripts-still beating.
Fred Nicholson
Tue 15th Oct 2019 02:58
Your writings (the few I have read) have multidimensional perspectives. I like that connective flow a lot.