I've laid my bait, (now dangling)
Dangling in the site
Waiting for some drifters
Who might pass by and bite
Some might bite, say tasty
Some might hesitate
Some unsure of what's inside
Hiding, what's my fate ?
(Thalia: He's harmless. All show....)
Yes Thalia, my Muse of Mirth
A show with fun and games
There's too much doom and gloom on site
Don't know from where it came?
(Thalia: He's got a point there....)
My show at times is subtle
At times it hits in face
Always a hidden message
Take bait, message embrace
(Thalia: He perplexes even me at times....)
So what am I here after ?
10,000 miles away
Intellectual interaction
Like Minds, with whom to play
Don Matthews October 2019