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Writing Moment

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Finger and thumb

Wrapped around 

A pen

Wrote a few words

Full stopped.

Then started again


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Don Matthews

Mon 28th Oct 2019 22:31

Clever Nigel.....

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 28th Oct 2019 17:07

Thanks Hugh, Don, Nigel, Branwell on the likes.

Don it's your R-regular S- Sorta I- Inspiration.

Hugh, yes that's write it's all in the basic simplicity of writing something.

Nigel going for a run with your pen is what it's all about don't let it run away without you!

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Nigel Astell

Mon 28th Oct 2019 16:25

My pen
fully stopping
then ran out
still trying - - -
to catch it.

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Don Matthews

Mon 28th Oct 2019 12:29

Ruth. I gotta problem. My pen won't full stop cos my brain won't stop and give my pen a rest stop (a comma, which would help the little digits a bit) Result? My finger/thumb are getting RSI and pleading to my neurons to slow down and give them a break. No. Full stop. They're just laughing back. Google Clinic for Neuron Overload is useless. Guess you get what you pay for these days. See my problem?.....

Thalia: Sorry Ruth he's off again....


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Mon 28th Oct 2019 11:21

A move in the write direction

Glad you put things right.
And picked up your pen to write,
So write,write,write.

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