What Fires Me Up To Write Poetry?
What Fires Me Up To Write Poetry?
So what fires me up to write poetry?
(We all go through this at some time)
What causes that itch to take pen up
Convert mind's ideas into rhyme?
Doesn't matter be it prose be it rhyming
Poetry has it's own unique way
Of expressing our hopes, thoughts and feelings
Than other written forms of today
There's something about poetry which attracts me
Words, ideas skilfully intertwined
Designed to pull out ones emotions
Poetry, yes, you're refined
So what fires me up to write poetry?
Things I might hear, I might see
It gives me enjoyment and pleasure
But it's not just for me, it's for we.
Don Matthews June 2019
Wed 13th Nov 2019 07:11
Well expressed!! Much of it holds true for us. And sure poetry is for us n not jus for me or I.