Had enough
Not fit for purpose
And all their other clichés
Batter down the airways
Assuring us that greed is good
That we can borrow and never repay
Seeping this repetitive, lying shit
Deep into the soul of the nation,
Leaving me marooned
Growing old with the weariness
That travels through the blood:
As I try to pass by these nets
Of race, nationality, class, religion
But am dragged back
Into the fray
Don't relate or cogitate
Be swift to deny
The authenticity
Of the free-to-view or sky
Interview, Vox Pox, like:
Yer, I lease my Merc
I'm doing well
(the wife don't think
so, but what the hell).
I go with the flow
I'm white
I'm straight
I pay my taxes
Call me a bigot?
Yer if you dare,
But I tell yer what:
I don't fucking care.