The beginning!!! ?
As I scroll through the glass screen
I see a future bright and gleaming
Smiling it's way into our life
A beginning worth the wait it seems
An old aunt with her only son
Living in a nearby town
Doris to take a room on rent next to them
An idea to breakfree from all the evils
A road well mapped by God almighty
If this future seems bright and fair
Just hop on and let's dance our way towards happiness
This winter month brings with it clear minded people
Once Doris Phil make a start, it won't be easy to stop their art
Together the blue birds fly in the blue sky into lands they desire
Just a little nod is all it takes to realise the gravity of this plane
the flight once boarded can be steered in beautiful destinations
It's the safest mode on the mobile phones to switch to without any issues
The glistening screen smiles back as we read these lovely beams
Fri 6th Dec 2019 14:18
Oh yea Don!! How clever?? ?