The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

If It's LOVE

I wish you would come here, stay near me - lay.

Stare at the sky. Count the stars.

Feel the feeling of love sparking up the beatless hearts.

And view, Similar kind of imaginations

displaying over our unconscious minds. 


Instead of assuming, each of us are being alone

in a separate situation.

In the night, let’s get lost in each others arms.


I wouldn’t touch if it meant I would hurt you.

But, I feel time urgs me to act.

As, we may not find ourselves here alone again.


You, I touch to please.

First, I kiss.

Two, I pull back and open my eyes to see how u react.

Three, I try again.

Four and five - again, and again.  

Six, ends with the same letter of a word that brews in mind, 

which’s, experience of its meaning places me in paradise 

for a brief moment.

Tme stops. This desire to be too and, so with it, this racing physic.

Like a clock - unwinding over the same old obstacle.


These eyes draw me closer to you than I’ve ever been to anyone’s.

The world through them - is not as back then.

It’s fragile and small, like a circular layer of thin glass - almost a globe,  

of colours and magnificence.

A universe full of opportunities for fulfillments to my desires. 


Here, with you I can remain and spend good time.

For good company. For good feelings. For good times.

I say cheers to that, even if there is only love in one’s heart.

For this moment a sacrifice of one’s feelings is well worth a go.


If I hurt you. I hurt you with love.

For that you can hurt and hate me. 

You can shame me.

But, the anger or sorry won’t buy you back

as you may have perceived you self, back then.

Nor, erase these memories of togetherness between us.


Love does not hurt, nor the person who loves.

For, as they are a warrior, so they are a victim of love.

It’s whether you choose to fight love will -

determine how you get over my love.


There must be a justification for one’s act that hadn’t been done..

And so  for a thought that may only had been perceived.

That’s how you may only get through -

think of you and me as a dream.


You may feel as though it was lust that drove me to touch-

your kind soul, soft lips, tender body and listen to your gentle, beating heart.


I allowed you to see in my mind while I was lost in those eyes.

There, may we remain forever?


love. lust. romance. selfishness/

◄ Sick



Fri 6th Dec 2019 14:19

How intense!!! Romantically beautiful... ?

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