Find the heaven
Find heaven
Saturday,14th December 2019
Where do you find heaven?
nowhere and no even on this lovely earth
when things go against
and serve not your interest
the saying is perfectly alright
when you fight
and get nowhere to the peace
and life is not at an ease
you are broken
totally dejected and driven
desperately for all the times to come
but helplessly star at the sky and welcome
the woman is the only hope
and she stops with all her dedication
the safe heaven is provided in her lap
and here the heavenly things are tapped
the life slowly turns in to normalcy
with the blessings from an almighty
life turns into green and seems like heaven
Man thinks " life has no other angle"
had the woman been not inducted in life?
the journey could have been simply torn into strife
there could have no safe place for human beings
to bring some solace for living
Hasmukh Mehta