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As I peddled, hell for leather, down the hill upon my bike,

I saw the lights TURN RED, ahead, a sight i didnt like,

My bicycle was ancient, it only had one brake

It took some time in slowing down.... of that there's no mistake

I duly pulled the brake on but the bike just kept on going

The cable SNAPPED, I had No Brake, or anyway of slowing


The people crossing up ahead, not knowing of my fix

just dawdled right in front of me, so now was time for tricks

I tried to swerve behind them and ALMOST got it right

but ...the peddle hit the pavement and the bicycle took flight


I shot across the pavement and through an open door

I think it was the Nat West Bank, but not entirely sure

The bike and I collided with the counter with a bang

The bank clerk stood there scowling but didnt give a hang



All covered in confusion and feeling rather daft

Picked up my bike and left the bank, while everybody laughed

The moral of this story .....and just to save your pride

Go in the bank on foot and leave THE BLOODY BIKE OUTSIDE









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Fri 20th Dec 2019 01:04

Wasn't banking on that happening.

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Don Matthews

Fri 20th Dec 2019 00:40

Eth?.....wot's 'hell for leather'?

They do bondage down there luv.....

Gosh're a walking cyclopedia...


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