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A close call

I read this in the news today,
a mans life savings were given away.
His wife, the unsuspecting mare,
cleared out the cupboard under the stairs.
A tatty, brown suitcase  was one of the things
given to charity instead of the bins.
Her hubby recoiled when she told of her day,
he'd saved sixty grand, she just gave it away!
He'd hidden the money inside the case walls,
concealed by the fabric that lined them all.
She hadn't known the money was there
so the charity shop sold it without a care.
The couple that bought it were totally shocked
when they got home and got it unlocked.
Spilling out notes when the lining untucked
the dumbfounded couple were pleased with their luck.
The cash they could do with, but bank matters come first,
a few new accounts, in case it comes to the worst.
The shop said the couple had paid with a card
and so they were traced, it's really not hard.
The bobbies arrested them when they were found
and both of them charged and sentence passed down.
The cash was returned to the man and his wife,
who settled back into sedentary life.
Lets hope he learns from the past and changes his ways
and never hides money where his mrs could stray.

◄ For you.

looking back. ►


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