It's my final end!!
Lonely heart went for a lonely walk
Standing by the gate awating the call
Nothing stirs the beats fast except your thoughts
Tears of sadness fills the eyes as i have lost even though I did win
Why there is so much sorrow in my life
One goes another tiptoes twice
Hurt, puzzled, sad, thinking and crying my heart out
This wasn't the end i had imagined and desired
My soul is broken and is falling apart
Now i have lost everything in life and you have gone afar
Life hurts me more than anything else in universe
My own imaginations have killed me rather than reality
Where should i go? What needs be done? I think it's finally over and this is my end.......
I wish to hold me and hug myself really hard
For i have nothing and none to console my ailing heart
Tue 24th Dec 2019 14:54
Indeed R!! Sadness overloaded....seems bad luck keeps tracking n tracing footsteps all the while.
Hey Brian...soulmates are one n only not multiple pairs.
Donny dear, seems I'm already on a roller coaster.... Phew!!
Thank you all!!