But I'm better...
But I'm so much better...
It's been eons since those devilish little whispers were anything more than passing spirits ...or has it been but a moment
Today they are screaming
Today they are deafening
Today I feel them vibrate through my entire being
...I am scared....
I am terrified that once again the monsters within me shall chase away the light I have found
I am petrified of dancing to the melody of their laughter
Walking the path etched in my flesh
Watching my body replay my greatest regrets
The hunger of an addiction I pretend I never had

Smiling while I sing the lies I desperately cling to
Standing tall while everything that I am seems to be curling in on itself
Playing the role I know is a lie
I don't want to admit it
I don't want to face it
I don't want anyone to see just how much the disease has spread
But...I'm more scared of how it grows in the darkness
Spreading like a plague
Devouring the parts of me I am proud of
Leaving only that which I wish to hide
<Deleted User> (13740)
Mon 22nd Jun 2020 23:36
Addictions are toughx