The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Take a minute


One Minute
Just take one minute
to listen
to remember
to understand
to reset,
to step back
to refocus
to rewind
to regret.

Just take one minute
to rest
to rebalance
to breathe
to cry,
to think
to question
to reflect
to wonder why.

Just take one minute,
then, if you can,
take one minute more;
to work out what you need,
to decide just what this minute’s for.

If you keep your eye on just this minute
then it shouldn’t to be your worst,
you might in fact feel better in it,
if you can take a minute first.

The kick offs for FA Cup Matches first round matches were delayed for sixty seconds to raise awareness around mental health.

#TakeAMinute #OneMinute #OneMinuteForMentalHealth #HeadsUp #MentalHealth #Mind #FightingTalk #TheFACup #TheFA #TheFootballAssociation #PublicHealthEngland @Heads_Together @CalmZone @MindCharity



Heads UpMental HealthMindTime to change

◄ Mind the Gaps

Drowning in the Drought ►


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