Depends on Cost They Say
Depends on Cost They Say
(New Year's eve)
Here in quiet Adelaide
Spent rockets fell to ground
Set alight surrounding grass
Tinder-dry and brown
People they are furious
Stupid thing to do
At such a hot dry time of year
What different can we do?
Suggestion to the council is
Replace with light display
So people still can ooh and aah
(Depends on cost they say)
Community is polarised
No bangs? no pops? ooh aahs?
You want to replace fireworks
With fancy lighted lasers?
We don't want fireworks, no, full stop
Or fancy lighted lasers
A waste of money (better spent)
And not on ooh-aah gazers
Don Matthews January 2020
Sun 19th Jan 2020 07:39
I support your cause Donny dear.....I agree with both points of view.....keep voicing, after all we are membersof WRITE OUT LOUD!!