Miss Polly
Miss Polly - Poem by Marie
Polly loved a sailor who sailed the seven sea's
her mother never told her about birds and bee's
She enjoyed all the slap and tickle with sailor Dan
When he got her knocked up, the sailor ran and ran
Polly had a baby a bright little blue eyed boy
Then she had seven others, men where just a toy
the last one was a post man after emptying his sack
The bugger kept on running, he never looking back
At 80 Polly passed away. Eight children had different dads
Polly was well know in her town for servicing the lads
At least sex made her happy if only for a while
Thinking of her rebellious life often made old Polly smile
So young ones please be aware, stay away from the lads
unless you want a house full of kids, with out any dads
Polly now rests in heaven. Now she is at peace with all
She still remembers her sailor, loving by the backyard wall