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Loyalty and Devotion

Loyalty cannot be bought,
But earnt.
A virtue not everybody can understand,
Or learn.

I express my loyalty to you in many ways,
In many forms.
It may come across different to the usual stuff,
What we class as a norm.

Depending on your position in my life,
I act accordingly.
But the deepest bond that I've had,
I'm loyal very differently.

Theres nothing that can stop me from being there for you,
I'm only a call away.
I'll give you every part of my being every part of my soul,
I only ask for you stay.

I am more loyal to you then i was,
To myself.
I careĀ for you more than I dared to care,
For myself.

There is nothing that I wouldn't do, to help you work on your plans.
But the painful truth about it people are afraid of what they don't understand.

Now with my Loyalty also comes my devotion.

Another thing about me is my old school approach that I'm built on,
As a man.
The painful and sad reality of those in this world,
Is that they run far away from the things,
They don't understand.

My devotion is scary, I know not many people are built like me.
My devotion is also intoxicating, drawing people very much closer to me.

However my devotion is my biggest strength,
But also my greatest weakness.
It allows me to open the hearts of people,
But also their darkest secrets.

People have turned on me, when I loved them the most.
Some had died before their time, when I needed them close.

But that's the thing with unconditional devotion,
You care more than you would care for yourself.
You want those people to have all the happiness in the world.
Even if you sacrifice parts of yourself.

But if those pieces go away then I suppose I'll never be complete.
Maybe I just needed someone to devote themselves like I do so i could be.

Whole, some souls ignite others striking firestones which emits a spark to light a flame.
Let it burn true through the night under the light of the moon.
But I only wish it would stay....

That's the thing with Loyalty and Devotion.
Not everyone gives it and not everyone understands it.
I guess some pieces fit together sometimes even when you dont plan it.

Loyalty and devotion is a rare trait among people sometimes I hope they would listen.
Sometimes i just wish more people open their eyes and realise what their actually missing.


◄ Pulses

Let you go ►



Mon 17th Feb 2020 23:05

I like this poem......wise words!!!

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Hamzah Aslam

Mon 17th Feb 2020 22:00


Everything I have in life or what's to come to me good or bad is destined. The difference is what I learn from it and how I mould it into my character.

Time is a gift and a curse my friend

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