The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.


My road was long, harsh and spiked,

the nights were cold, your heart frozen in time.

Will you hold my hand and walk this earth as we discover all the nastiness that lurks?

The throat is a good spot,

Gripping you could say.

The sun sets before your eyes as your soul escapes,

Crushing all hope around you, contained in your place.

At the feet of those who wish only to strike you down, but do it with the most self-righteousness.

The foul scent walks with the sickening taste of death.

What can we do against those who do not see what they have done?

Memory is short when you choose it to be,

The bottled love offers nothing, do not point your finger at me,

My mind is sound and my judgment slow, show me who you can be when forced to shovel snow.

STOP! How dare you question my rule you peasant, none can question me, perfection is my name, my word is hollow but by might, you will believe.

In good faith, I come, offer a hand to those swept off their feet,

lock a chain around their necks, force them to their knee.

What can I do for you to see me?

See yourself?

Hear the voice of reason, I pray you come to the light. Do you hear me oh mighty one?

Collateral damage, merely a term of weakness,

cast in front of an inferno, there are but 9 rings to ascension, none yet to bear witness to your step.

ANSWER ME! Foul creature of the depths, SPEAK YOUR NAME I DEMAND YOU!


For every king that stands an enemy must lay, I am not your enemy old friend, but it is my time to walk away.

I hope you can forgive yourself, for it is not me who is in need, treat your steps with caution, for there is demons in every crevasse, winding through your sleep.

A false hope.

My journey is clear and shrouded in excitement, the only sad part is that you do not seek to be enlightened.

I will not run as you will see it as, standing tall above the grass,

I choose to walk, for the valley of a thousand bushes will lighten up my path,

Limbo is where I leave you, for the treachery is your benchmark.

Heaven exists if you choose it too.

Goodbye father, goodbye my friend, my demon is slain, so I am free yet again.



Vengeance ►


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