i C Your face in registrations plates
coma cluster corneas and orange lights
lithe saints crowned as aeons among us
Source, raise them strong autumnal pods
i C Your name announced by strangers, radio personalities,
tech from ancient cultures wryly hidden in revelations,
Mathematics, doorways and heroes
as numbers, sound and shape
yet this code, passed down through old ascended
goldless as guardians of a treasury immaterial
owns the parasite of trauma that is time
wans of wars, owls, bohemian hysteria
a knoll covered in bruised fruit
Source, raise this core and assailant alike
one a seed, the other a tree.
I C Your moving Word in death and duality
The realm born from the last dying breath
of a Demiurge
and for at least a thousand ages
Angels attempt to return
order to a corpse
Source, bless this corpse and all its angels
born or conscripted by Karma