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Stephen Gospage

Sat 10th Jul 2021 17:03

A beautiful story, Rasa.

Comment is about My Boy (blog)

Original item by Rasa Kabaila

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 10th Jul 2021 16:57

A great poem. Thank you so much.

Comment is about LIVERPOOL 1946 (blog)

Original item by john short

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 10th Jul 2021 16:53

Thanks to Nigel, New Shoes, Keith, Julie, Holden and Your Royal Poetess to the likes. Very much appreciated.

Comment is about These Drawings (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 10th Jul 2021 16:49

England have a fine bunch of players and a good manager, as Greg says. It should be a great match. May the best team win.

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 10th Jul 2021 16:39

Let's hope there is enough for both.

Comment is about Pecking Order (blog)

Original item by d.knape

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julie callaghan

Sat 10th Jul 2021 14:16

Thank you for all the likes folks.

Comment is about Mellow Yellow (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Greg Freeman

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:53

I have been a football fan for most of my life. A fan of the country I live in? Not so much recently. Of course, I will be cheering England on like everyone else on Sunday, because England have a team and a manager to be proud of.

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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julie callaghan

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:34

Thanks for the likes and comments. No controversy intended, it’s only football ?

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:13

Oh heaven forbid anyone feeling good about being English!
The hooligan element exists everywhere, sad to say.

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Greg Freeman

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:11

And let's just hope not too many foreigners get beaten up afterwards, whether in celebration or mere revenge

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:06

In 1966 I was walking down Union Street in Torquay and was
witness to the wild cheer and flying hats (they wore them then!)
at the display window of the Radio Rentals shop that signified
the scoring of the winning England goal on that memorable day.
One of those occasions that linger in the memory. Like Ken
Wolstenholme's commentary:
"They think it's all over. it is now."

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:01


Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 10th Jul 2021 13:00

Thanks for the further comments on my profile page.
One point - the book cover you refer to ("Poetry to Please") is,
in fact, a CD cover and uses a photograph taken by me in the
delightful riverside town of Dartmouth in South Devon, UK.
Some of the tracks from the CD can be heard in the audio section
of my profile.
By the way, an Aussie local "country music" radio station in
Victoria has played some of my songs. Hats off to Trudy Burke
in St. Albans!!

Comment is about Rasa Kabaila (poet profile)

Original item by Rasa Kabaila


Sat 10th Jul 2021 12:37

A dark poem
black as Buzzards-
of the fittest.

Comment is about Pecking Order (blog)

Original item by d.knape

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Nigel Astell

Sat 10th Jul 2021 11:20

Together we stand no matter what.

Comment is about Come On England (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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julie callaghan

Sat 10th Jul 2021 10:24


Comment is about The Wild Strawberry Plant (blog)

Original item by Brenda Wells

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Sanja Atanasovska

Sat 10th Jul 2021 10:10


Comment is about Nettle (blog)

Original item by Sanja Atanasovska

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Cody Roach

Sat 10th Jul 2021 08:09


Comment is about New me (blog)

Original item by Cody Roach

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New Shoes

Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:50

Your poem reminded me of finding the wild strawberries when I was a kid.


Comment is about The Wild Strawberry Plant (blog)

Original item by Brenda Wells

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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:50

Thanks for stopping by my profile Tony. I'm glad you enjoyed 'Tinder Tango'!

Can you tell me more about the inspiration behind 'Linen'? I love your words—somewhat cryptic and still expressive.

Your doggy is gorgeous. Rescue dog I hear? Aren't you a blessing.

Have a wonderful day.

Best wishes,

Comment is about Tony Hill (poet profile)

Original item by Tony Hill

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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:43

Thank you M.C Newberry for stopping by my profile and for your kind and encouraging words. You also seem like a very gifted, sensitive and generous individual. Keep writing, and diving in to every moment—for whatever it brings.

P.S—I love the cover of your poetry book 'Poetry to Please'. Just divine!

Warm wishes,

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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New Shoes

Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:29

Beautiful poem!

Comment is about Gifts of God (blog)

Original item by Ghazala lari

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New Shoes

Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:22

As I recall all numbers resolve to 9. Any mathematical problem's answers resolve to 9. +3 sets of 3 holds a sustainable structure in relationship and form giving it the ability to acknowledge itself by looking in the mirror. at least that's what I remember when I invented it.

Good to meet the acquaintance of a fellow 9er


Comment is about nine (blog)

Original item by Jacob Germain

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John Marks

Sat 10th Jul 2021 01:24

Thank you Holden! Your continued support means the world to me.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Seneca

Comment is about passing clouds (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Nigel Astell

Sat 10th Jul 2021 01:19

a worry not person moves far.

Comment is about New me (blog)

Original item by Cody Roach

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Nigel Astell

Sat 10th Jul 2021 01:11

only when rejoicing birth
your soul will come alive.

Comment is about Shinigami 死神 (blog)

Original item by Your Royal Poetess

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John Coopey

Fri 9th Jul 2021 23:26

Don’t make me laugh, Stephen. I’ve got a cracked lip.

Comment is about TUFFEES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Your Royal Poetess

Fri 9th Jul 2021 21:08

Thank you for your like and comment on my poem, was a pleasure to catch up with yours!

Comment is about Ferris Ty Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Ferris Ty Taylor

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jennifer Malden

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:42

Thanks Ray, for the comment, and thanks to Jordyn, Stephen G,
Abdul, Aisha, Aviva, Holden and Pete for the likes. It still makes me laugh when I remember his delight at the sport.

Comment is about Frogging, a new sport (blog)

Original item by Jennifer Malden

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:27

Jennifer - thank you.

Comment is about GROWING OLD ALONE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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jennifer Malden

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:23

So very apt, and well thought out!


Comment is about GROWING OLD ALONE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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jennifer Malden

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:20

Thanks Elizabeth, Abdul, Holden B renda and M.C. for the likes, and MC for the comment. Unfortunately so many young lives are still being lost in conflicts which will be forgotten again.


Comment is about The Allied Forces War Cemetery - Italy - 25th April 2021 (blog)

Original item by Jennifer Malden

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:12

We used to have a tuck shop at school, but now it is just a blur of 'orrible kids stuffing their faces with chocolate. Having said that, there was little evidence of obesity, as most of them were sent three miles each day by their parents to pick up a pint of winkles and a few lumps of coal for the bath.

Comment is about TUFFEES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:06

This poem melts on the tongue, Brenda. Thank you.

Comment is about The Wild Strawberry Plant (blog)

Original item by Brenda Wells

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 9th Jul 2021 17:00

I like this very much. I love the way it tells a story in ten lines.

Comment is about untitled (blog)

Original item by Jacob Germain

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Fri 9th Jul 2021 14:04

I love this. Provocative and cutting to the deeps.
It is good that you are not air - yes!
It's good that i'm a nettle today
in your cruel hands - yes!

Comment is about Nettle (blog)

Original item by Sanja Atanasovska

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 9th Jul 2021 13:13

DK - thanks for the explanation on my profile page. Got it!
Here in the UK, the process would come under the heading "ward of court".

Comment is about Wife Breaks Silence (blog)

Original item by d.knape

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 9th Jul 2021 13:07

Nods to nostalgia.
In the 1950s, when a £1 represented 240 pence, a choc bar cost
6pence - and you could buy penny chews that seemed to last for ever. If you think that decimalisation brought myths about value, just check the price of a choc bar now. 50pence is low average
from what I can see...when a £1 today represents 100 pence.
Forty choc bars for £1 against -2 today. That seems to equate
to a £400+ weekly salary today to keep up if you use the less than £10 a week
wage guide back then when I moved up to London to start a working life.
PS...JC - I think Lovells was based in Wales - not that far away from
the West Country I knew as a boy. Maybe they supplied a catchment area
that didn't reach your own neck of the woods?

Comment is about TUFFEES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 9th Jul 2021 12:52

SG raises an interesting point. But it seems that there is a more
general relaxation in terms of what used to be considered "gamesmanship" on the pitch. Hardly excusable now though,
with the all-seeing eye of the video and multi-angle slo-mo

Comment is about The striker's fear of the penalty (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 9th Jul 2021 12:47

Just been catching up on my profile page and wish to thank you
for your kind comment about "Thoughts At Christmas".
You seem to be an exceedingly busy and gifted individual...well done..

Comment is about Rasa Kabaila (poet profile)

Original item by Rasa Kabaila

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Andy N

Fri 9th Jul 2021 09:08

Thanks to Steven for the like (:?

Comment is about Waiting (blog)

Original item by Andy N


Fri 9th Jul 2021 03:14

A Conservatorship is a legal construct designed for people who
are incapable of handling their own affairs.
The court appoints someone else to handle them for the person
incapacitated. Unfortunately, this process is often abused
and the person loses all their civil rights.
(see Brittany Spears).
Her story has been all over the news here lately.

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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John Marks

Thu 8th Jul 2021 19:01

Thank you anonymous soldier - your eloquent testimony speaks volumes. People, generally, do not want to know the hell that soldiers go through whilst serving this country of ours. Your testimony teaches those with the guts to truly listen.

Siegfried Sassoon, another soldier and another poet, told it exactly how it was and still is for British soldiers on active service.


I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.

In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
With crumps and lice and lack of rum,
He put a bullet through his brain.
No one spoke of him again.

Comment is about The bloody poppy (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 8th Jul 2021 17:34

When I used to referee football matches, we were very strict on goalkeepers moving before the kick. It seems now rules permit keepers to do disco dad moves along the line and get away with it. The winning Italian penalty taker was very cool when he scored, though.

Comment is about The striker's fear of the penalty (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 8th Jul 2021 17:23

It looks great, Julie. Thanks for the poem.

Comment is about The Buffet Is Now Open (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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julie callaghan

Thu 8th Jul 2021 15:29

MC as per usual can’t do right for doing wrong. Let’s hope they take the huff and find another garden to terrorise! I suppose I am also guilty of being sizeist. Maybe I’ll just leave the door open. ?

Comment is about The Buffet Is Now Open (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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John Coopey

Thu 8th Jul 2021 13:58

Not heard of a Milky Lunch,MC. Well, not since I needed burping.
I used to wonder if shrinking sizes was a myth but simply a function of your hands getting bigger as you get older. But when I see the tins of Quality Street and Celebrations at Christmas I now know I was wrong.

Comment is about TUFFEES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 8th Jul 2021 13:11

Only 7% of the sought-after sum left to achieve, according to
the latest news. Success beckons!.

Comment is about Campaigners reach £134,000 target for sculpture to mark WB Yeats in England with day to spare (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 8th Jul 2021 13:09

JC - the player I referred to described a penalty kick as the easiest
in football...with practice breeding confidence and.confidence producing success under pressure. And he proved it by his own

Comment is about The striker's fear of the penalty (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 8th Jul 2021 13:02

"Conservatorship" is not a word that is familiar to me. It gives
the impression of being an upmarket description for a care home.
I'd sue for breach of promise! ?

Comment is about Wife Breaks Silence (blog)

Original item by d.knape

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