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joe kozarzewski

Sun 8th May 2016 17:00

I don't use this site, very often, as it does not have the capacity to give me positive feedback when I want it !! Another 'irritation' is the advertising of USA sites !! Most of us have neither the money or desire to travel to the USA purely for some poetry performance !! Why don't they form their own 'Write Out Loud' !! They have no place on a British site. Whose was this cockamaney idea in the first place ???

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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joe kozarzewski

Tue 25th Mar 2014 11:25

I am a simple non academic soul, although I have attended 3 Univesities, I don't hold with much academic thought now. I write my straight from the heart [simplistic] poetry because I feel the need to express myself this way. I do not feel obligated to any political movement, although I consider myself well left of centre. I have a particular hatred of the tories and what they are doing to ruin the country with their targetting of the poor, oblivious of all the harm they are doing. I try not to bear grudges but then I am human and can get upset when attacked by people who should know better. I try to be true to myself which isn't always easy in this lying cheating world. I do the best I can in spite of indifference and rejection but then I believe I am a non=conformist and have been most of my life with all the pain that incurs.

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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joe kozarzewski

Mon 24th Mar 2014 08:20

Dear Arsehole, you holy mother of shit.........I'm up your creek, without a paddle.......I've been up there, a few times Holy arsehole, I love you..................All hail dear arsehole, all hail holy arsehole,all hail dear arsehole!

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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joe kozarzewski

Sun 17th Nov 2013 11:23

Sometimes an argument over accidental time.......................Two hotheads rubbing up, each other, the wrong way

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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Andy N

Wed 27th Mar 2013 12:39

good to hear from you, Joe.. i will keep an eye on your pages for good rants! lol

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 14th Mar 2013 18:55

Hi Joe - welcome to WOL. Hope you enjoy the site!

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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joe kozarzewski

Mon 11th Mar 2013 17:37

This man has senile dementia and should be placed very carefully in a bucket of water, as he thinks he is a daffodil. If you do not do this he will wilt very visibly in your presence. You must also recite 'Daffodils' by Wordsworth as it calms his febrile brain, and you will be his friend forever. Give him your email or mobile number or facebook page and he will be gushing all over you for the rest of your born days. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!

Comment is about joe ranter (poet profile)

Original item by joe ranter

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