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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 14th Sep 2024 07:44

Thanks for you kind words, Rasa.
I suppose we're all familiar with it..."Telephone Voice Syndrome", whereby one speaks in a manner according to whoever one's "audience" might be: my Lancastrian sister, or Marcia Blaine of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie fame😊!

In the case of Nil Carborundum, (still a vivid memory) I was attempting to revert to the Lancashire accent I would have had at that time; that of the little boy who had never left his home town until he was 11 years old. After which, I picked up a Scottish accent, and then, on retiring, a southern French accent, after a couple of extended backpacking trips in France…a fact which my native French mature student examiner noted!

I still hear those broad Lancashire accents on a daily basis, and I’ve made an attempt to record some Lancashire dialect poetry for example, that of Edwin Waugh.

Comment is about Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

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Rasa Kabaila

Thu 12th Sep 2024 20:05

You read so beautifully Uilleam. Such a wonderful accent and speaking voice-you have- and you speak about such raw and important things. Thank you for doing this.

Comment is about Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

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