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Diamonds are a girl's best friend?

Diamonds are a girl's best friend?

Cliches are a fashion trend.

I want the real thing.

Not rough, nor scratched but real, hand made.

The gold, the silver on my wedding and engagement day.

I don't want to flaunt a diamond ring like a casual play-thing.

I just want the unique, the chic, no casual bling.

Elizabeth Duke - no thanks, "the bitch wore that".

She chucked it in your face, engaged to be.

No bauble nor plaything on your lap.

You took me with the good and  bad

Down Courtyard Jewellers I dream

of our Paris honeymoon.

My ruby engagement ring

and the band of gold embossed in silver

dangling slightly from my finger -

where the baby fat thinned out once our son was born.

The wedding bliss that  lingers in my memory

sometimes fades with thoughts of leaving you.

But by that Courtyard Jewellers the day we were engaged,

memoried are never erased

and the present brings us closer

after making up, though hard to do

breaks through cliche and fashion trends

like the symbol of a circle

uttered by the registrar truly

on our wedding day.

The Courtyard Jewellers

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