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Ye Oldie Pastie Shoppe

Ye Oldie Pastie Shoppe 

A New Conservative tax
Westminster's greedy crier, rang out
"A tax on heated golden pasties.
An excellent idea, yes? Don'r you dare pout!"
Conservative party social consciousness
"Let, them eat cold pasties and pies," he cried
Food sold on shelves, cooling or cold
served in paper bags. Jolly rah-yah!
Claps, our chancellor in his exchequer
He does care, eat healthily instead!
A financial disincentive, think about your heart,
eat caviar and lettuce, and less lard.
Is this his justification for a nonsense policy?

A French Queen, allegedly, once said
Let them eat cake, to her starving minions
Beware the guillotine, our clever chancellor
Don't taunt or mock your workers' needs
This country wasn't built on low-cal sandwiches
But on hot and filling food. Potatoes and meat!
Fuel and endless energy for Boltons' workers
Another greedy tax on our country's heritage
Rainy and cold industrial towns, like ours
Pensioners and everyday workers, shiver
Haven't we given you enough, 'cha ching'

Leave our people's taxes alone

Or you'll find Sweeny Todd, waiting

In our Ye Olde Pastie Shoppe

Ye Olde Pastie Shoppe

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