An Actor Prepares
Submitted: 07/06/2012 11:50 BST
In my mind is a room
From a forgotten garden.
The head keeper’s office
Has nothing beyond a mounted
Mahogany clock as old as time,
And an upright desk for ledgers.
This room has been locked for years.
The ink well is dry to touch.
A finger inside feels only the dust,
Leaving no stains on my skin –
Nothing to say I am here.
Somewhere there is a secret archive
Of all that happened here.
Images survive, perhaps,
When all witness is gone.
What is recorded lives on.
Her tokens are discarded at random,
Scattered in the room
Beyond the open window.
When she has left in the morning
Of her secret something remains.
All beauty is fabulous at first sight.
But later comes a second wave
That time cannot turn.
An actor prepares always
To live another life
So that others may realize
Their many selves,
And so disclose
The ways of being human
In gentle impulse
Or knowing desire.
Octagon Theatre