Kids in buckets, the school run.
Submitted: 25/05/2012 20:14 BST
Splutter, splatter drips the rain
Down the gutter and window pane -
The journey to school will be so slow,
The traffic will just grow and grow!
But Gran and I have hatched a plan
To speed to school
(She's resourceful my Nan),
She pushes me off in a large plastic bucket,
Bobbing down the alley,
Sailing past traffic.
I paddle with a ladle
(But it will act as a rudder),
My long dinner fork spears debris muddier-
And vaults over grids -
I'm the kid on the skids!
Granddads competitive,
Not wanting to be outdone,
He's cajoled my brother, Joe,
To join in the fun.
They lash empty
drinks cans into a raft,
Hoist the Jolly Roger
And after me he wafts!
We splash past our mum
And we could hear her gasp
About Health and Safety
As we sailed past!
I hang up my bucket below my coat –
Now all the class comes by boat!
And what if it’s dry?
(Which it never is),
We’ll haul up the handle,
We’re Wallabies!
Here we come,
Jumping kids in buckets,
Going to school –
We just love it!