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Caps of to Fred Dibnah

Life was tough, but bloody good fun, out in all sorts of weather

Up the chimney … pointing up, lightening bar, not clever

These stacks … they are a piece of art, stand proud, many ladders tall

Town halls, Churches, viaducts, old buildings save them all

In years gone by we built to last the structure would stand for ever

Wood, brick, stone we formed, design it was so clever

Engineering … we where leaders, renown throughout the world

From water driven, power, to steam, industrial life unfold

At home inside the workshop, a happy place you see

Mates came round at early doors, many stayed for tea.

Got involved on’t engine, a mine shaft we did drop

A winding wheel, just like a pit head, but there we had to stop

But as years passed, he found himself, knock in, chimneys down

To his surprise media frenzy, when he got into town

For him it was a right big shock, a new life had begun

With TV, Radio, and theatre dates, shared life with everyone

Loved a chat and the odd pint, time just passed away

At steam events, a night you found, would soon become the day

Achieved so much, and did not try, celebrity did not touch

Approachable, ‘did you like that’, life he gave so much


Octagon Theatre

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