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Random Nursery News/Rhymes

Random Nursery News Rhymes


Humpy dumpy sat on a wall

Singing a song on behalf of us all

All the attention was on the Queens men

Trying to rubbish the Euro again


Georgy Porgy opened his box

Heard IMF head wearing a frock

Thought that meant that he needn’t heed

Any advice to roll out plan B


A lone dictator tried this all before

Taking credit for peace when planning a war

Austerity works there’s no other way

Why should the masses have any say?


Little Theresa in front of Blue geezers

Said put these delinquents away

When off duty coppers, tried so hard to stop her

She crimbo’d them all away


Wee Little Sebbie ran through the town

Up streets and down roads torch lit and found

Thousands were willing to run with his flame

Then sell it on Ebay the very next day.


Little Rebekah has lost all her sleep

Didn’t know how bad times could find them

Her cell phone would ring

Comforting text things

From David with Lol stuck behind them

Ye Olde Pastie Shoppe

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