The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Please consider supporting us - Donate now!

Write Out Loud is a Community Interest Company (CIC), meaning any money we generate is used solely for our community purposes, to the benefit of our users. Maintaining our website costs time and money.

Right now, we need £3,000 each year for running costs and to secure the site’s future for another 12 months. Any money raised beyond that will help us approach funding bodies, find ways to grow the site and develop new and existing services for our poetry community.

Even £1 per month will help, though £5 or £10 – or a one-off donation - will help us hit our target sooner. If you’re already one of our regular donors, we’d like to thank you for your generous support.

Click the Donate button below, enter the amount and follow the instructions to complete your donation in a few clicks.


If you prefer to contribute via standing order or one-off bank transfer, you can do so using the following bank details

Account Name Write Out Loud 2015 CIC
Sort Code 40-52-40
Account Number 00028537
IBAN (for transfers from non-UK banks) GB38CAFB40524000028537

We would love to hear from you at to hear about why you chose to donate.

Thank you for being part of the Write Out Loud community!

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