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The Tall Lighthouse Open Mic

This event on 20th May 2013 has past.

Open Mic Event

Contact: Tel: 020 7420 9887,

The Tall Lighthouse Open Mic is a free Monday night event from the popular poetry publishing press. It's a new home for poets, storytellers and singers to experiment with their art forms. Sign up between 6:30 and 7pm.

Entry: Free

Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm

Venue image - Poetry Cafe

Poetry Cafe

22 Betterton Street, London, WC2H 9BX, GB

Single Event
Last updated: Never

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Reviews for The Tall Lighthouse Open Mic

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Greg Freeman

Tue 21st May 2013 08:38

A couple of months ago two members of Write Out Loud’s editorial team attended the inaugural Tall-Lighthouse free open mic night at the Poetry Cafe in London. Only a handful of poets turned up, and the event ended early, although Tall Lighthouse publisher and laid-back compere Gareth Lewis seemed unfazed. Fast-forward to last night, when there was a much bigger audience of predominantly young poets, a dozen readers, and a lively atmosphere. Among those attending was Richard Tyrone Jones, who, as he told the audience, has made his heart failure around the time of his 30th birthday the centrepiece of his poetic performance, with a show in Edinburgh last year, and a forthcoming BBC Radio 4 production later this summer. Also reading was Kevin Reinhardt, who entertained with his poems about celebrities in odd situations, including Marvin Gaye in the Test match commentary box, and who seized the opportunity to publicise the launch of a collection by another performer, Lucy Leagrave, at his poetry karaoke bingo Eurovision party at Effra Road, Brixton, on Sunday 26 May.
PS Before last night’s poets began reading Gareth Lewis expressed a little bewilderment at the event gathering its own momentum. Could it have anything to do with its regular listing on Write Out Loud? I only ask.

Review is about The Tall Lighthouse Open Mic on 20 May 2013 (event)

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