The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cockermouth -
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Poets Out Loud

This event on 10th November 2021 at 19:30 has past.

This event series is no longer running. It last took place on 10th November 2021 at 19:30.

Open Mic Event


Are you a poet?

Do you like reading and listening to poetry?

Writers, readers and listeners are all welcome to a most informal evening of poetry at Wild Zuchinis Bistro.

Come along and share your own poems or your favourite poems by other authors.

Poets and audience will share the space as the poems work their way around the room.

It's a sort of open mic, but with no tech. Each person will recite or read one poem and then we move on to the next. If time allows you'll get chance to read three or four poems over the course of the evening.

It's for listeners too, not just writers. Lovers of poetry and the spoken word who would like to just sit and enjoy the prose are most welcome too.

It's NOT a writing group where suggestions or criticisms can be made.

The bistro is licensed and there is food, wines, beers, teas, coffees and soft drinks available.

In between rounds there's an interval and chance to chat with folks in the room.

It's an evening of just poetry.

Poetry of all types, styles, levels and topics.

And if you have never shared your works in public before don’t worry. Once you settle in for the evening you’ll soon see you’re not really in public and you’ll love it.

The Bistro has good access, but the toilets are downstairs.

There is on street parking outside and carparks within five minutes walk.

If you have any questions just give me a shout;
You can email me at,
You can call or text me on 07552 715 859
Find us on Facebook. Poets Out Loud, (we're the ones with the bright colourful pink and blue logo) and you can message us from that page too.

Entry: FREE

Time: 7:30pm (Doors open 19,00)

Wild Zucchinis Bistro

17 Station Street, Cockermouth, CA139QW, GB

Monthly Event (Usually held every 2nd Wednesday of each month)
Last updated: Never

Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.


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Reviews for Poets Out Loud

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Tue 16th Oct 2018 13:08

I had the pleasure of attending Poets Out Loud at the Kirkgate Theatre in Cockermouth it was a very friendly easy going evening. I would recommend it to anyone visiting Cockermouth, if you are there on the second Wednesday of the month pop along even if you only want to listen.

Review is about Poets Out Loud on 10 Oct 2018 (event)

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