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An evening with... Merle Collins

This event on 26th October 2011 at 19:00 has past.

Contact: 0113 244 45 88 or

Merle Collins - The Ladies (& Gentleman) are Upstairs

In a long overdue visit to the UK, Grenadian poet and fiction writer, Merle Collins will be reading from her new short story collection The Ladies are Upstairs.

You MUST get a ticket to attend this event, as places are limited. Tickets are available in-store at Waterstones Leeds, or you can call 0113 244 45 88.

With support from local Inscribe writers:
Simon Murray, Desiree Reynolds and Seni Seneviratne

Merle Collins is the author of two novels, Angel and The Colour of Forgetting; three collections of poetry, including Lady in a Boat; and one previous collection of short stories, Rain Darling.

She is currently Professor of Comparative Literature and English at the University of Maryland. Her critical works include "Themes and Trends in Caribbean Writing Today" in From My Guy to Sci-Fi: Genre and Women's Writing in the Postmodern World, and "To be Free is Very Sweet" in Slavery and Abolition.

Desiree Reynolds started her career in London as a freelance journalist for The Jamaican Gleaner and The Village Voice. She is currently working on a collection of short stories and a novel.

Seni Seneviratne is a widely acclaimed poet and live artist of English and Sri Lankan heritage. Her debut collection, Wild Cinnamon and Winter Skin, has been described as " a virtual master class between covers...". Her second forthcoming collection, The Heart of It, will be published by Peepal Tree Press in 2012.

Sai Murai (Simon Murray) is a poet, writer, activist, artist, publisher, graphic designer of Bajan/Afrikan/Pomfretian heritage. The first part of his debut novel, Kill Myself Now: The True Confessions of an Advertising Genius is published by Peepal Tree Press and his first volume of poetry Adliberation will be published by us in 2012. Sai is the editor of four poetry anthologies

Price: £8.99

Time: 7:00pm

Venue image - Waterstones - Leeds

Waterstones - Leeds

93-97 Albion St, Leeds, LS1 5AP, GB

Single Event
Last updated: Never

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