The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 43 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lancaster -
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Spotlight Club

This event on 16th March 2007 has past.

This event series is no longer running. It last took place on 15th October 2021.

Open Mic Event

Contact: Ron Baker 01524 381642 or

Mixed event: poetry, music, comedy, prose; guests and open mic(very limited - book in advance).

Tonight Write Out Loud's own Nat Clare is one of the guests

Nat Clare
is a poet and singer/song writer based in Bolton.
Individually and as part of Optical Busstop he has played at many gigs across the country. He is also involved in Bolton poetry group ‘Write Out
Loud’ and is a sometime compere for their events.Nat has also written for several TV programmes including ‘Not the Nine O'clock News’ and particularly ‘Spitting Image’ who used a great deal of his material.

Gordon Woodhead
is a local teacher-come-humorist but at
Spotlight he'll be reading a short story by
Lancaster author Samantha McGarry.
Samantha writes short stories and drama,
seeking and finding infinite peculiarities
amidst normality; she is also in the process
of completing her first novel.
The story Gordon will read, ‘Pests’, is about a rather unusual infestation in
the home, and the dilemmas unique to this particular kind of pest...

Ruby In The Dust are Rosie Tacon-Glass, sultry
bluesy vocals; Eleanor Levin, piano, guitar &
accordion; Helen Fry, fiddle, mandolin, guitar &
backing vocals; Melody Rowe, drums & percussion.
‘Our music has a timeless, continental feel and
draws on lots of different styles. We are difficult to categorise – even to ourselves! Our sound is a mix of cabaret, barroom jazz, and blues with Spanish and Arabic influences, with lyrics ranging from sassy through quirky to romantic. Our songs are nearly all original compositions by Eleanor Levin. People have even likened our sound to early Velvet Underground and Tom Waits.’

Nigel Parrington emerges from the giddy
remains of The High Ones and continues to whittle sharp pointy sticks out of the great musical log of life. Magnificent s o n g s . . .
shimmering, blissed out odes to putty, wino
strength beer and Roy Orbison (amongst other
things). Tunes that wrap your very soul in
marshmallow and toast it over an open fire.

Cate Jacobs
‘A mother of 3 grown up children, grandmother to Molly and partner to Paul I marched my way through life from the late 70's to the early 90's and have worn out at least 4 pairs of Doc Martens en route - although life has mellowed me and my hair tends to grey - I am still driven by passion. I have been writing poetry ever since I learned to write! I have been published in several anthologies including ‘Shelf Life’, ‘Poetry Pool’ 2 & 3, and ‘The Welsh Review’. I graduated from John Moores last summer and am currently working on my first collection which is near completion - although I don't have a publisher yet. I write mainly in free form and will probably be
reading some work from this collection and possibly some from a sequence I wrote on the theme of milk. In the past I have been a singer/songwriter but not so much these days - although I am still known to sing to the sea and the moon

Richard Mason
Richard writes poetry, long and short prose and plays. He attended a Spotlight Writers Surgery in October 2006 and as a result felt confident
enough to enter the Open Mic slam in November. ‘I was brought up on a farm in the Lune Valley and regard myself as part of the indigenous
population. My poetry is inspired by observations on people, nature and comes from my varied interests and experience ranging from hypnotherapy to driving tractors and digging gardens. I have always loved people and had
a dislike for inequality, bullying and cinnamon. I will be reading poems about apples, vinegar, industrial accidents and divorce.’

Price: £3.00 / £2.00

Time: 8.30

Venue image - The Storey

The Storey

Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TH, GB

Monthly Event (Usually held every 3rd Friday of each month)
Last updated: Never

Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.


Use calendar to view other instances of this event and find out when it is next on.

Note: Showing events from 9 years ago.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Lancaster » (8.00pm - 11.00pm)


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