This event on 25th September 2009 at 13:00 has past.
Contact: L.Tempest@manchester.gov.uk
Monthly poetry reading for September is a real treat - Julia is an award-winning poet with many Manchester connections, having lived in Northenden and attended Central High School for Girls in Whitworth St. She won the Northern Exposure Poetry Competition in 2006 and has had two collections published -
'Without a Dog' (Graft 2008) and the 2007 Poetry Business Competition winner, 'The Half-Mile High Club' (Smith/Doorstop, 2007).
"Crafted, tender poems, written with passion and purpose. An impressive debut...." Simon Armitage
Born in 1974, Rebecca grew up in Suffolk and now lives in Liverpool. Her poems have appeared in many literary magazines, including 'Ambit', 'Stand', 'Magma', 'Mslexia' and 'Smiths Knell'. Her pamphlet collection 'Keeping Houston Time' (Slow Dancer Press) was published in 1997 and her first full-length collection is due from Flambard Press next year. I heard her read on 'Woman's Hour' on Radio 4 earlier this year and immediately invited her to come & read here.
"A very clear voice, catching at the emotional drama of the world, its strangeness, sexiness and occasionally its yearning." Robert Seatter
Entry: Free
Time: 1:00pm
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