Liverpool Poetry Marathon
This event on 8th October 2009 has past.
Open Mic Event
For the 4th year running North End Writers, the creative writing charity serving the people of Liverpool, is holding an all day event on National Poetry Day. We are inviting the people and poets of Merseyside and the North West to come along to The Hornby Room in Liverpool Central Library to celebrate the theme, Heroes & Heroines.
For a reading slot of approximately 5 minutes please contact our organiser, Anna-Maria Parry, who will add you to our list of readers.
If you have a piece of work longer than 5 minutes and want to use this day as a show case please e-mail Anna with a brief outline including reading time and we’ll try and accommodate your work. Or just come to listen to the poetry! Audience members always welcome!Contact: Anna at
Time: 10am to 5pm
Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.
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