Utter! Pointlessness
This event on 5th April 2011 at 19:30 has past.
Contact: http://bit.ly/utterptless
Earlybird saverprice £5 before 7.30pm or prebooked on http://www.wegottickets.com/event/109109 , £7 after 7.30pm.
MATT HARVEY, host of Radio 4's 'Wondermentalist cabaret', all the way from Totnes, reading from books 'The Hole in the sum of my parts' and 'Where Earwigs Dare'.
YOUNG DAWKINS, winner of 'Utter!'s Got talent 2010, Vice-Principal of Edinburgh University and Beat poet who has played Jazzmouth festival, with his book 'The Lilac Thief'.
PAULA VARJACK, evil genius behind Berlin and London's hugely popular Antislam series, with rock n roll tales of globe-trotting, sexuality-hopping, punk poet life.
RAPUNZEL WIZARD, explosively energetic Aberdonian anarchist allotmenteer. 96% human, 4% woolly mammoth, veteran of the Glastonbury, Edinburgh Fringe and Oxford Literary Festivals and poetical representative of Brighton’s City of Culture Bid: a ranting poet with a very good sense of humour. After all, he came up with this stupid theme idea, thus dooming himself to a 26-hour megabus round trip!
PLUS the legendary PAID GIG CONTEST: 4 artists do 5 minutes each and you, the audience, votes to decide who wins a full paid gig. ANNA CHEN, one TBA, ALAN WOLFSON,
plus the best writer from the BONUS Utter! writing group taking place the night before, Monday April 4th at the Sheephaven Bay Pub, Camden. http://bit.ly/utterptlesswgroup
Both events hosted by RICHARD TYRONE JONES
Entry: See description
Time: 7:30pm
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