This event on 22nd May 2011 at 19:00 has past.
Open Mic Event
Note: Sign up for the Open Mic on the door.
Nine Arches Press & Left Lion present Nottingham Shindig!
SPECIAL GUEST POETS: Rosie Garner, Emma Purshouse, Di Slaney & Jane Commane
Emma Purshouse is a writer, performance poet and slam winner. She has been published in a variety of magazines and her poetry CD Upsetting the Applecart was released by Offa’s Press in 2010. Emma is a founder member of Brewers’ Troupe.
Rosie Garner has lived in Nottingham all her life and has been a writer in residence for HMP Whatton, The National Trust and Nottingham City Transport. Rosie is working on a collection based on her travels as a Churchill Fellow. Previous publications include The Rain Diaries (Salt Publishing).
Di Slaney is an experienced Nottinghamshire business owner, novice smallholder and fledgling poet. She is a graduate from the Creative Writing MA at Nottingham Trent University and co-director of Candlestick Press, and her poems are just starting to be published.
Jane Commane is Co-editor of Nine Arches Press and Under the Radar magazine. She was born in Coventry and is currently working on a debut collection of poems.
Entry: Free
Time: 7:00pm
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