Colpitts Poetry: An evening with Ponç Pons
This event on 25th May 2011 at 18:00 has past.
In association with: North East Centre for Lifelong Learning and Govern de les Illes Balears
A rare chance to hear one of the finest poets writing in Catalan today. Ponç Pons lives on the island of Minorca, where, as befits an admirer of Thoreau, he writes by candlelight in a wood cabin named The Green Fig Tree. An expert in French, Portuguese and Italian literatures whose own poetic translations include works by ...Pessoa and Montale, he’s the author of numerous poetry collections, ranging from Vora un balcó, sota un mar inaudible [Under a Balcony, next to a Soundless Sea] (1981) to Pessoanes [Poems Inspired by Pessoa] (2003), which have won many awards and have themselves been widely translated. In addition to his novel Cor de pàgina esbrellada [Heart of the Broken Page] (1984) he has published many books for children, and his novel for teenagers, Memorial de Tabarka [Memorial of Tabarka], has become a classic. Tonight as well as reading his work he will talk about his poetry in Catalan (translation provided!) and English versions of his poems will be read by members of the Colpitts Poetry committee.
‘It seems incredible that a small island like Minorca should have such a great poet as Ponç Pons.’ (Seamus Heaney)
Entry: Free
Time: 6:00pm
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