Pete (the Temp) verses Climate Change!
This event on 6th June 2011 at 19:00 has past.
Pete the Temp is the current Hammer & Tongue National Slam Champion and BBC Radio 4 South of England Slam Winner. He is also a damn fine administrator. Watch him solve the climate change using only his mouth! The show takes a satirical look at climate change and our attempts to tackle it. It employs satire, physical theatre, audience interaction, character acting and stand-up comedy...
Richard Tyrone Jones Has a Big Heart is the long-awaited, understandably-delayed debut one-man show from the poet, Director of 'Utter!' and “Ringmaster of Spoken Word” (Three Weeks). Learn the lurid details of near-near death from dilated cardiomyopathy, a convoluted convalescence and how to live with the condition which will almost certainly kill you, through anecdotes, cardiomyopoetry and bisoproLOLs. For anyone who ever had a heart. Or failure. Clear!...
Time: 7:00pm
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